Don't Panic! Here's What to Do If Your Furnace Needs Repair

When your furnace unexpectedly stops working, it’s easy to panic. But before you do, take a deep breath and remember that you’re not alone. Furnace repair is a common problem, and there are steps you can take to get your furnace up and running again. In this article, we’ll discuss the best approach to take when your furnace needs repair.

If your furnace isn’t working, you should first check the power supply. Make sure the switch is turned on and that the power cord is plugged in. If the power supply is in order, the next step is to check the thermostat. Make sure the temperature is set to a comfortable level and that the thermostat is in the “heat” position.

If neither of these steps works, it’s likely that your furnace needs to be professionally repaired. Don’t worry, though – with the right technician, you can get your furnace up and running in no time. Read on to find out what to do if your furnace needs repair.

Identifying the Problem

If you're dealing with a malfunctioning furnace, the first step is to identify the problem. While this can be a difficult task, there are some common signs that can help you determine the issue.

First, check to make sure the furnace is receiving power. If the unit isn't receiving electricity, you may need to reset the circuit breaker. If the furnace is still not working, then the problem likely lies elsewhere.

Next, check the thermostat. Make sure it is set to the desired temperature and is set to "Heat" mode. If the thermostat is working properly, then the problem may lie with the furnace itself.

If your furnace is making unusual noises, such as a rattling or grinding noise, it could be an indication that there is something wrong with the blower motor. You should also check for any signs of smoke or an odd smell, as these can be signs of an issue with the furnace.

Finally, if your furnace isn't producing enough heat, it could be an indication that the furnace isn't receiving enough fuel or that there is an issue with the combustion process. If this is the case, it's best to call a professional for help.

Choosing the Right Repair Technician

It’s important to find a furnace repair technician that you can trust. Ask around for recommendations, check online review sites, or even call your local HVAC association for referrals. Make sure that the technician you select is certified and licensed, and has experience troubleshooting and repairing your type of furnace.

When you’ve chosen a technician, it’s important to ask questions. Ask about their experience and training, and get a written estimate for the repair. Find out if they include a warranty on their work, and what the terms of that warranty are. It’s also important to find out if they offer emergency repairs and if any additional fees may apply.

Remember that the cost of a repair should not be the only factor when choosing a technician. Your furnace is an important part of your home, and it’s important to choose a technician who will do the job right the first time.

Common Furnace Problems

Furnaces are complex machines and can develop a range of issues. Some of the most common problems include:

  • The furnace does not turn on.
  • The furnace runs, but does not produce heat.
  • The furnace cycles on and off frequently.
  • The furnace produces strange noises or smells.

If you experience any of these issues, it’s important to contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and repair the problem. Trying to fix the issue yourself could result in further damage, or worse, injury.

Maintaining Your Furnace

Maintaining your furnace is an important part of keeping it running efficiently and avoiding costly repairs down the road. Here are some simple steps you should take to keep your furnace in good condition:

Clean or Replace the Filter: The filter in your furnace should be cleaned or replaced at least once a month. Dirty filters can decrease your furnace's efficiency and increase your energy bills.

Inspect for Leaks: Check your furnace for any signs of water leaks, such as water stains or discoloration around the unit. If you find anything, call a professional to investigate further.

Vacuum Vents and Registers: Vacuuming the vents and registers in your home can help keep your furnace running efficiently. This will help reduce dust, dirt, and other debris that could be clogging your system.

Schedule Annual Maintenance: Have a professional inspect and service your furnace once a year. This will help identify any potential problems before they become expensive to fix.

Following these simple steps can help keep your furnace running efficiently and help you avoid expensive repairs. If you have any questions about your furnace, be sure to call a professional for advice.

Troubleshooting Tips

Diagnosing and fixing your furnace issues can be tricky, but with a little bit of know-how and the right tools, you can get your furnace up and running again in no time. Here are a few tips to help you troubleshoot your furnace and fix any problems you may be having:

1. Check for any visible signs of damage, such as cracks in the heat exchanger or loose wiring. If you notice any, then you should contact a professional for repairs.

2. Make sure the thermostat is set to the correct temperature. If it is not, adjust it accordingly.

3. Check the air filter and replace it if it is dirty. A dirty air filter can cause a furnace to overheat.

4. Check the pilot light and make sure it is lit. If it is not, relight it following the manufacturer’s instructions.

5. Turn off the power to the furnace and check all wiring connections to ensure they are secure. Also, make sure all the switches are in the “on” position.

6. Check the furnace’s blower motor and make sure it is running properly. If it is not, then you may need to replace it.

By following these tips, you can troubleshoot and fix most furnace issues on your own. However, if you are still having problems, then it is best to contact a professional for help.

Rest Easy Knowing You're in Good Hands

No one likes to have to repair their furnace, but when you do, it's important to remember that you have options. Whether you choose to repair it yourself or hire a professional, you can rest easy knowing that you are taking the necessary steps to ensure your furnace is working properly and efficiently. With the right care and maintenance, your furnace can last for years to come.

Frequently Asked Question

The most common problems with furnaces are: Dirty ductwork. Old filters. Faulty starting mechanism.
The three most expensive parts on a furnace are the blower motor, the circuit board and the draft inducer.
Furnaces 20 years old or older become increasingly inefficient over time and can crack and leak, putting you and your family in danger. If your furnace is between 16 and 20 years old and constantly breaking down, then you should strongly consider having it replaced.
  • Poor temperature control.
  • Increasing illness symptoms
  • High furnace age
  • High heating bills without explanation
  • Strange noises
  • Pilot flame color changes
  • Dry air
  • Soot
  • Poor temperature control
A well-maintained furnace can last at least 15 to 20 years, but completing annual maintenance and being diligent with repairs can extend its life even longer.
In general, it will cost $2,000 to $3,000 for a 40,000 to 60,000 BTU furnace for a 700 to 1,500 square foot home. For very large homes up to 5,000 square feet, you're looking at a cost closer to $6,500.
You can expect future maintenance to be more severe and frequent once a furnace has reached its life expectancy, which puts an unnecessary strain on your wallet. It's often more cost effective to install a brand new system than to patch an existing broken-down one.
Most furnaces have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years. However, this doesn't mean you can wait that long to replace yours. After about 15 years or so, you may need to consider a furnace replacement if your unit has been experiencing significant problems and requiring frequent repairs.